Registration open for 1,000-baht Pattaya stipends

Registration is open now to receive cash stipends from Pattaya City Hall to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis through May 5 at city hall and Pattaya schools 2, 5, 7, 8 and 10.

Registration is open now to receive cash stipends from Pattaya City Hall to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis.

Thai nationals over age 18 whose homes are registered in Pattaya City and are not employed by the government or state enterprises are eligible for the 1,000-baht payments. Only one person from each registered household may collect.

Registration for the one-time payment is open through May 5 at city hall and Pattaya schools 2, 5, 7, 8 and 10. Applicants must bring their government identification, household registration and bankbook.

For more information, call 038-253261, 038-253-263 or 1337.