Local community turns garbage into gold

Both locals and foreigners living within the area have taken to the new recycling regimen at the Baan Nern Rodfai community in North Pattaya
Both locals and foreigners living within the area have taken to the new recycling regimen at the Baan Nern Rodfai community in North Pattaya

aan Nern Rodfai community in North Pattaya is leading the push to protect the environment and preserve natural resources through a new trash recycling drive.

The community is being championed as a prototype for waste management principles and through public education and awareness campaigns, concrete changes have been witnessed in the way people are now disposing of their unwanted household products. Four separately marked types of rubbish bins have been placed in locations around the community and citizens are encouraged to spend a few extra minutes each day to sort their garbage before disposing of it.

Garbage can be classified as compostable or biodegradable waste, recyclable products, such as glass and plastic bottles, tin cans etc., general waste which is non-compostable (plastic bags, foam containers), and hazardous waste, for example expired batteries and flammable or poisonous substances.

The campaign also calls on citizens to consider using organic waste products, food etc. as potential bio extracts or compost to be used in farming methods and gardens.

Manoon Wongsena, Chairman of the Baan Nern Rodfai community, says he has been amazed and delighted at how readily citizens, both locals and foreigners living within the area, have taken to the new recycling regimen and said that if all communities in Pattaya followed suit it would set the city on the correct path to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable living model.