Minister Tewan visits drought-hit Nakhon Ratchasima


BANGKOK,18 August 2019 – The drought situation in Nakhon Ratchasima province has reached a critical stage due to the low volume of this year’s rainfall. Some reservoirs have completely dried up. The situation is expected to affect more than two million rai of farmland. Two districts have been declared disaster-stricken areas.

The Minister Attached to the Prime Minister’s Office, Tewan Liptapanlop, traveled to Klong Pai subdistrict, Sikhio district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, to inspect drought-hit areas along the Lam Takhong River. Mr. Tewan received a report that many villagers in Klong Pai have been living without tap water even though they live near the reservoir. The villagers have asked the government to build a water pump system to alleviate the situation. The Deputy Governor of Nakhon Ratchasima reported to Mr. Tewan that the drought situation has reached a critical stage as there has been no rainfall for a long time. At present, Lam Takhong Reservoir has 125.77 million cubic meters of water, or 40% of its storage capacity, and only 103.5 million cubic meters of water can be used.

There is no water left in six out of 23 medium and large dams. Phra Thong Kham and Khon Buri are two districts that have been declared disaster-stricken areas. Local authorities have had to deliver water to the public and have drilled artesian wells.

Nakhon Ratchasima receives about 1,000 milliliters of rain annually. Last year, the northeastern province received 873 milliliters or rain, causing damage to the agricultural sector outside the irrigation zones. From January to August 2019, the province saw only 363 milliliters of rain. More than two million rai of farmland, including 1.5 million rai of rice plantations, have been badly affected.