NARIT: Asteroid 2006 QQ23 would not hit Planet Earth


Bangkok, 10th August 2019  – The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) has sought to calm fears that Asteroid 2006 QQ23 would hit Planet Earth on August 10.

Mr Sitthiporn Duantakhu, an official of the NARIT, said Asteroid 2006 QQ23 would fly within 7.3 million kilometers from Earth on August 10, 2019. To illustrate the distance, the Moon is about 0.38 million kilometers from Earth. Its diameter is 570-meters. The QQ23 was discovered by the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia on August 21, 2006. It is classified as a near-Earth asteroid. It orbits the Sun at a distance of 85-154 kilometers.

He added that the asteroid has orbited neat the earth several times already so the phenomenon on Saturday would be a normal one that should not cause panic.

There is no chance that it will hit the world and no influence on the world at all because of the current advanced technology and the fact that astronomers worldwide have studied and researched these matters in order to find ways and means to absolutely prevent these things from crashing the world.