Pabuk damages homes, property & fishing boats

The eye of Tropical Storm Pabuk may have hit 900 kilometers away, but the Eastern Seaboard still felt its effects in the form of a storm surge that damaged homes, property and boats.
The eye of Tropical Storm Pabuk may have hit 900 kilometers away, but the Eastern Seaboard still felt its effects in the form of a storm surge that damaged homes, property and boats.

The eye of Tropical Storm Pabuk may have hit 900 kilometers away, but its effects still were felt along the Eastern Seaboard as boats, beaches and low lying property were damaged by high tides and storm surge Friday and Saturday last week.

Waves as big as four meters and a storm-inflated high tide sent water flowing into shoreline homes, damaging at least 20 with wooden floors in Sattahip.

Ten small fishing boats moored off the coast in Sattahip also sunk. Fishermen tried to salvage what equipment they could Jan. 5.

District Chief Anucha Intasorn said there were no reported injuries from the storm impact, but warned residents to remain cautious until the weather system passed.