Pattaya city-wide disinfecting in full swing

Vendors are required to wear protective gear at Wat Suttawas Flea Market.
Vendors are required to wear protective gear at Wat Suttawas Flea Market.

Public Health officials have sent out an army of masked and gloved workers to spray disinfectants to kill bacteria and hopefully kill the COVID-19 virus before it spreads any further.

Wat Suttawas Flea Market, Wat Thamsamakee, Pattaya Courthouse, government offices, fresh markets, and communities were the latest to receive the wash down March 21 & 22.

Despite government orders, many of these places are still frequented by crowds, although almost all public places now require screening for the virus and provide hand wash gel before allowing entrance.

Meanwhile, a company called Germbusters donated concentrated cleaning solution to the city to be used to spray Pattaya City Hall and vicinity to kill bacteria, fungus, and attempt to prevent COVID-19.

Wat Suttawas Flea Market set up hand wash areas for customers.
Wat Suttawas Flea Market set up hand wash areas for customers.
Wat Suttawas requires customers to apply hand get before entering the flea market.
Wat Suttawas requires customers to apply hand gel before entering the flea market.
Public health workers scrub down the outside of Wat Thamsamakee.
Public health workers scrub down the outside of Wat Thamsamakee.


The inside of Wat Thamsamakee receives a shower of disinfectant.
The ‘sala’ where prayer sessions are held receives a shower of disinfectant.
Pattaya City Court is disinfected to ensure safe adjudicating.
Pattaya City Court is disinfected to ensure safe adjudicating.

Soi Buakow is given a scrubbing.
Soi Buakow is given a scrubbing.