Quarantined Thai falls ill with coronavirus

Deputy Health Minister Satit Pitutecha (center) said that an unnamed patient, one of 138 Thais evacuated from China, developed Wuhan coronavirus symptoms and was moved to an isolation ward at Chonburi Hospital.
Deputy Health Minister Satit Pitutecha (center) said that an unnamed patient, one of 138 Thais evacuated from China, developed Wuhan coronavirus symptoms and was moved to an isolation ward at Chonburi Hospital.

One of 138 Thais evacuated from China has come down with the Wuhan coronavirus.

Deputy Health Minister Satit Pitutecha said Feb. 9 that the unnamed patient developed symptoms and was moved to an isolation ward at Chonburi Hospital.

Another person staying in close proximity to the coronavirus victim was relocated to a ward at Sattahip Km. 10 Hospital to be observed.

Dr. Apirat Katanyutanon, director of the Chonburi Public Health Office, said four others who previously fell ill – but did not have the coronavirus – are recovering, with one already returned to quarantine at Navy Hotel.

Now in their fifth day of quarantine, the restless detainees were given sports equipment to play with outdoors.

Now in their fifth day of quarantine, the remaining restless detainees were given sports equipment to play with outdoors.
Now in their fifth day of quarantine, the remaining restless detainees were given sports equipment to play with outdoors.