Sleepy driver slams into Sattahip tree

Eakapoj Wiboonsatapornchia is lucky to be alive after dozing off behind the wheel and slamming into a tree in Najomtien.
Eakapoj Wiboonsatapornchia is lucky to be alive after dozing off behind the wheel and slamming into a tree in Najomtien.

A sleepy driver is lucky to be alive after dozing off behind the wheel and slamming into a tree in Najomtien.

Eakapoj Wiboonsatapornchia said he was driving from Sattahip to Bangkok when he fell asleep on Sukhumvit. His car veered off the road and collided with a Burmese padauk tree opposite Ban Hinwong School and burst into flames.

Two fire trucks extinguished the fire and Eakapoj suffered only minor injuries.