Toddler dies at home after wall collapse

Executives of Nong Plalai Municipality, led by sub-district mayor Pinyo Homklin, paid a visit to the Yaidee family on Sept. 5, offering condolences and pledging their support in the form of money, donated food stuffs and structural repairs to the house.
Executives of Nong Plalai Municipality, led by sub-district mayor Pinyo Homklin, paid a visit to the Yaidee family on Sept. 5, offering condolences and pledging their support in the form of money, donated food stuffs and structural repairs to the house.

A 3-year old boy died at his home last week after a wall collapsed during a freak storm.

Young Sittichai Yaidee was playing with his 3 siblings at the front of their home in Nong Plalai sub-district on Sept. 4 when strong winds caused the partial collapse of a brick wall of the rented property. All four children ran when they noticed the danger but Sittichai, who was sat closest to the wall and was the last to react, was buried under falling bricks when the bathroom extension gave way. The youngster was rushed to hospital but sadly died on the way.

Sittichai’s heartbroken parents made an appeal on social media for help to cover funeral costs as the family has a very low income and struggles to cover day to day living expenses. Within 5 hours of posting on Facebook, over 30,000 baht had been donated by generous benefactors to enable the family to give Sittichai a dignified send-off.

Sittichok Yaidee and Donlaya Malai, parents of Sittichai, expressed their appreciation to all who donated and said the appeal post had now been closed.
Having this case brought to their attention, executives of Nong Plalai Municipality, led by sub-district mayor Pinyo Homklin, paid a visit to the Yaidee family on Sept. 5, offering condolences and pledging their support in the form of money, donated food stuffs and structural repairs to the house.

It was also noted that many rental houses in the area, including the Yaidee’s, had not been registered with the municipality and were therefore not covered by existing building regulations or surveys. Officials have been instructed to remedy this situation as a priority.