300 ring in New Year at Thai Garden Resort


More than 300 guests filled the pool area of the Thai Garden Resort to celebrate the New Year.
Owners Gerrit and Anselma Niehaus invited well-known football trainer Christoph Daum and his family to the Dec. 31 party along with Christof R. Sage, publisher of the “Feine Adressen” magazine, footballer Mario Aller and other German businesspeople and family members.

Making a shorter trip to the fest was German honorary consul Rudolf Hofer and Phuket businessman Axel Brauer.

A wonderful couple with heart and humor: Gerrit and Anselma Niehaus, the owners of Thai Garden Resort.
A wonderful couple with heart and humor: Gerrit and Anselma Niehaus, the owners of Thai Garden Resort.
Special guests of honor were (from left) Christoph Daum, daughter Cara-Jolie, wife Angelica and son Jean-Paul.
Special guests of honor were (from left) Christoph Daum, daughter Cara-Jolie, wife Angelica and son Jean-Paul.

All the guests got an unexpected surprise: Rain. Everyone ran for cover and munched salad and soup in the lobby.

Hotel staffers quickly put up umbrellas and, when the rain stopped, the party resumed, as did the buffet raids.

Guests of Gerrit Niehaus were also (from left) Mario Aller, Maxi von Bleyle, Baerbel Bahnmueller-Sage, Christof Sage, Natascha Sage, Lisa Schneider and Marc-Louis Dederichs.
Guests of Gerrit Niehaus were also (from left) Mario Aller, Maxi von Bleyle, Baerbel Bahnmueller-Sage, Christof Sage, Natascha Sage, Lisa Schneider and Marc-Louis Dederichs.
Axel Brauer with wife Bo and two Chinese Acrobats.
Axel Brauer with wife Bo and two Chinese Acrobats.
Gerrit Niehaus with his god son David Eugenie.
Gerrit Niehaus with his god son David Eugenie.

Guests were entertained by a Chinese acrobatic troupe whose members mingled with the crowd afterward.

Honorary Consul Rudolf Hofer with Sriwanna Jitprasert.
Honorary Consul Rudolf Hofer with Sriwanna Jitprasert.
Alfred and Lidia Sowik with Elfi Seitz.
Alfred and Lidia Sowik with Elfi Seitz.
With love from Vienna and Isan: (from right) Dagmar and Ing Hans Fellner, son Richard and his wife Bia and her parents.
With love from Vienna and Isan: (from right) Dagmar and Ing Hans Fellner, son Richard and his wife Bia and her parents.

Italian singer Tony Tintinaglia then took to the stage with songs from operas without amplification, as his equipment was left out in the rain. He ended up playing in small groups with his guitar rather than trying to make himself heard across the entire audience.

The atmosphere at the Thai Garden Resort.
The atmosphere at the Thai Garden Resort.
The atmosphere at the Thai Garden Resort.
The atmosphere at the Thai Garden Resort.