Networking – But not as we know it


The face of business networking in Pattaya has changed dramatically in the last few years, as people can now choose from a variety of events including the monthly Combined Chamber of Commerce meetings, BNI, the Eastern Seaboard Business Dinner, Movers and Shakers and now there is a new informal gathering entitled: Multi-Chambers Eastern Seaboard ‘After Hours’.

As the name indicates this is an informal get together and is the brain child of local businessman Mark Bowling who was looking back to the early days of the Lighthouse Club where they used to meet in local pubs.

Regular networker Joe Cox from Defense International Security Services and Niels Wiek, Glow Co Ltd.

The 1st event was held some 6 weeks ago and the second was held on Tuesday the 1st of December, once again at Jameson’s The Irish Pub.

After Hours fills a niche for those who are bored with the 4-5 star hotels venues or those who are maybe trying to find their feet in Pattaya and make some local connections.

There is no entry fee and the landlord puts on a special rate for beer and wine, and lays on some finger food free of charge.

Considering this was only the second ‘After Hours’ many people were in attendance including a host of familiar faces and a number of people who don’t normally network in town.

Kate Jackson and Sukanya Suwantha from Andragogy with Chris Thatcher Vice Chairman of the BCCT.

Many realtors were present and were augmented with representatives from the world of media, education, energy companies, logistics and security to name but a few.

With Christmas and New Year fast approaching it is highly likely that ‘After Hours’ will make a return in January/February.

Details of which can be found on Facebook and will be published ahead of time in the Pattaya Mail.

Angie Turton from Dive in Pattaya takes a professional stance.

Bjorn Hellesylt, Managing Director of The Hosting Group, Laurie Muir, Managing Director at Global Trade Management Limited and Mark Bowling, Associate Director Savills.

Earl Brown, Marcom Manager at CEA Project Logistics and Richard Arthur, Sales Manager at Biz House.

James Hind, CEO of Adventure Pictures, with Cees Cuijpers, Managing Partner Town and Country Property, and Avtar Pardesi, also from Adventure Pictures.

Jameson’s landlord Kim Fletcher thanks Peter Malhotra, MD of the Pattaya Mail for this special poster.

Jamesons regular Jerry Stewart chats with Frank Holzer from General Motors.

Peter Malhotra with Rainer Rößler and Greg Watkins from the BCCT.

Kai Lacher, Siemens AG, Armin Walter GKN Driveline, Frank Holzer General Motors and Thomas Wasserthal, VP of Siemens Automotive Powertrain Vertical.

After Hours networking, friendly, laid back and fun.