Oktoberfest at its best at Amari


The Amari Hotel Pattaya organized its yearly Oktoberfest on 24 October in cooperation with the chamber of commerce of Singapore. Significant at this organizing was Helmut Buchberger, member of this chamber, who also welcomed the guests at the beginning.

A huge tent was set up at the beach entrance of the hotel garden and genuine wooden banks and tables were set up to seat the many guests. The waitresses wore pretty Dirndl and the waiters wore Lederhosen.

On stage were the famous Thai-Navy-Band assisted by three Germans in Lederhosen. They played and sang original Oktoberfest-music appreciated by all the guests.

Welcoming the guests (from left) Helmut Buchberger and his wife, GM Brendan Daly, Marketing-director Pichchaya “Sarah” Nitikarn, and F& B manager Dan Jamme.

Brendan Daly, the long-time general manager of the Amari had the honor to play the role of Munich’s Lord Mayor and tapped the first barrel of beer. It was not his mistake that at the first trial the faucet cock got loose and beer was spilled. Yet, being a professional, the GM tried it a second time accompanied by cheers from the guests – and was successful.

The guests had a lot of fun with the nice beer mugs which were given to them as presents and of course also with the excellent buffet. They could choose between pork-knuckle, Schweinebraten, Sauerkraut, lots of different sausages, and many other delicious dishes. The original Brezen disappeared very fast.

General Manager Brendan Daly taps the barrel in style.

Not only the food was enjoyed but also the music and many sang along with the band and danced until their soles were on fire. To erase this fire and quench their burning thirst, the guests sang along typical “Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit”, therefore it was no wonder that the atmosphere soon turned very casual.

Two pretty Thai-women, both clad in Austrian Dirndl, showed their skills to drive nails home. The attractive wife of Heinz Rombell was successful and beat her rival in numbers.

Strong men had to show later on how strong they really are: on their outstretched arm they had to balance a filled beer mug without moving their arm.

Another highlight was the Woodcutter – Schoeplattler performed by Bernhard Roedel and another member of the Thai Navy Band.

Brendan Daly (right) and Helmut Buchberger (left) announce in unison: “O’zapft is”!

The children who accompanied their parents had lots of fun inside the ballroom, watched over by some mothers led by the general manager’s wife Sarah Jane.

It is a shame but every fantastic party has to end – as did this most enjoyable Oktoberfest, but everyone who took part is looking forward for the next one in the coming year.