Regents celebrates graduating Class of 2014/15 in style


Saturday 25th of May saw 45 Regents International Baccalaureate (IB) students take their first steps into the world.

Taking a break from the rigors of studying for exams and completing assignments; students, teachers and friends took time to honour the years of hard work undertaken by our best and brightest. A day of smiles and celebration, final year IB pupils shook Principal Iain Blaikie’s hand and received their diplomas.

Being a multi-cultural international school, many students will soon be scattered around the globe at numerous tertiary institutions, following their life’s passion in any number of interesting fields.

Hugs all round.Hugs all round.

Deputy Head of Secondary Paul McConnell says the end of the year always brings up mixed emotions for both teachers and students.

“All the staff at Regents wishes them good luck. Wherever they go, Regents will always be there school,” he said.

Following the graduation ceremony, students got dressed up for the prom night which was also a raving success.

Regents Class of 2014-15.

Let the celebration begin!

Prom Night – time to let the hair down.