Rotary clubs install new leadership urging Rotarians to “Be a Gift to the World”


As is Rotary tradition, on the 1st day of July every year, installation ceremonies are held to install newly elected presidents and board of directors of their respective clubs prior to taking on their duties of serving humankind for the ensuing twelve months.

These events can be simple affairs held at the regular weekly meetings of the club or they can be grand affairs, held in restaurants or hotels with visiting Rotarians and guests from all over the district, with some attending from all parts of Thailand, and even Rotarians from far off lands who happen to be visiting Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard at the time.

DGE Vivat Pipatchaisiri installs Rodney James Charman as President of the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard.DGE Vivat Pipatchaisiri installs Rodney James Charman as President of the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard.

In June, four area Rotary clubs observed their annual changing-of-the-guard with celebratory installation ceremonies throughout Pattaya.

Rotary clubs of Phoenix-Pattaya and Marina-Pattaya

The Rotary clubs of Phoenix-Pattaya (German) and Pattaya Marina (French) kicked off the installation season together June 6 at the Holiday Inn Pattaya with about 90 people attending.

Hubert Meier, president of the Rotary Club of Phoenix-Pattaya welcomed everyone, including French consul Luc Speybrouck and his wife Maria, the German honorary consul Rudolf Hofer, and two past district governors, Pratheep Malhotra and Premprecha Dibbayawan. Also attending was Michael Vender of the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin. Maier also introduced his wife Rosita, who is now the president of the Lions Club of Phoenix-Hong Kong.

President Hubert Meier of the Rotary Club Phoenix-Pattaya and his lovely wife Rosita who also happens to be the president of the Lions Club of Phoenix-Hong Kong.President Hubert Meier of the Rotary Club Phoenix-Pattaya and his lovely wife Rosita who also happens to be the president of the Lions Club of Phoenix-Hong Kong.

Entertainment was provided by CDC Director Radchada Chomjinda’s wards from the Human Help Network Thailand and Child Development Center. The guests applauded the performances and filled the donation box with around 25,000 baht for them.

PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan had the duty of installing the new officers.

Eric Larbouillatt president of the Rotary Club Pattaya Marina presents a bouquet to Madame Maria, wife of the French consul.Eric Larbouillatt president of the Rotary Club Pattaya Marina presents a bouquet to Madame Maria, wife of the French consul.

There was no big change at the Phoenix-Pattaya club, as Hubert Meier was re-installed as president. In his speech he outlined his plans for the upcoming year.

“Social projects will be given top priority again this year,” he said. “Giving to our fellow men in need shall be our guideline again. My plan is to reserve approximately 1 million baht for different social projects and this will be possible due to the help of sponsors.”

Max Rommel seems pensive as DGE Vivat installs him as president with the insignia of his high office.Max Rommel seems pensive as DGE Vivat installs him as president with the insignia of his high office.

Taking over the reins of the Pattaya Marina club was Eric Larbouillatt, who succeeds Joseph Roy, who occupied the big chair for two years. He thanked everyone and pledged to do his best, speaking mostly in French.

With a French club, the wine was of course plentiful with the buffet, and numerous prizes were doled out in the raffle. Charter President of the Phoenix-Pattaya club Stephan Heynert won the main prize, an Apple iPhone.

Rotary Club of the Eastern Seaboard

On 25 June, the Rotary Club of the Eastern Seaboard installed its new president at the Siam Bayshore Resort & Spa, naming Briton Rodney James Charman to replace Australian Russell Iffland.

Rotarians united in the act of service; Russell Iffland, Vutikorn Kamolchote, DGE Vivat Pipatchaisiri and Rodney Charman.Rotarians united in the act of service; Russell Iffland, Vutikorn Kamolchote, DGE Vivat Pipatchaisiri and Rodney Charman.

In a simple, yet cozy celebration, the Siam Bayshore Dancers showed off their skills and the buffet helped make it a successful event.

Past President Jan Abbink was the emcee for the evening conducting the proceedings professionally which was most appreciated by the approximately 90 guests present.

District 3340 R.I. Governor Elect Vivat Pipatchaisiri proposed a toast to Rotary International followed by a video presentation of the life and times of the incoming governor.

Outgoing president Russell Iffland followed with a humorous speech, mentioning all the projects the club completed in the past year and thanking members for their help.

PP Dyson, on behalf of the club, gave the outgoing president a Transformer figure and honoured both him and his wife Maggie by recognizing them as Paul Harris Fellows in appreciation for their sponsorship of 200,000 baht two years ago,

DGE Vivat then took the stage again to perform the installation rites for President Elect Rodney Charman.

DGE Vivat congratulates IPP Vutikorn Kamolchote and President Max Rommel.DGE Vivat congratulates IPP Vutikorn Kamolchote and President Max Rommel.

In a speech, the Briton promised to do all in his power to help the club further flourish and help needy people as much as he can. He also revealed new projects he has in mind.

After he introduced his board members, flowers were given to him and to some guests of honor as well as to worthy Rotarians.

Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya

The Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya celebrated the return of Max Rommel as president at its installation ceremony at the Royal Cliff Grand June 26. The German former president succeeded Thai club leader Vutikorn Kamalchote.

Sujitra Pipatchaisiri presents PE Dzenana Popin with the grand raffle prize as Lorena Paso looks on.Sujitra Pipatchaisiri presents PE Dzenana Popin with the grand raffle prize as Lorena Paso looks on.

District 3340 Governor Elect Vivat Pipatchasiri and his wife Sujitra were on hand for the event. Other dignitaries included Past District Governor Premprecha Dibbayawan, District Governor Nominee Eknarong Kongpan and District Governor-Nominnee-Designate Onanong Siripornmanut and District Foundation Chair Nipan Sajjapaibul from the Rotary Club of Magkang in Udon Thani.

Marcus Tristan, maestro of music, and seven-year-old Ben Khinkhunthod on the keyboards took care of the entertainment along with a very beautiful young classical dancer, eleven-year-old Patratida Klaoklang from Bangkok.

PAG Dennis Stark and PDG Peter Malhotra raise their glasses to Rotary International.PAG Dennis Stark and PDG Peter Malhotra raise their glasses to Rotary International.

Past District Governor Pratheep Malhotra emceed the evening and invited Past President Dennis Stark to propose the toast to Rotary International after the Thai and the Rotary anthems were played and their flags splendidly carried into the ballroom by Tida Kamolchote and Erika Heltne.

Following dinner, the single-prize lottery winner, President Nominee Dzenana Popin received a 15,000-baht gift voucher from Numchai Electronics.

Vutikorn then bid farewell in his speech, listing the many projects carried out during his term. He admitted he felt a bit relieved to hand over the baton to Max Rommel.

“One will become president most probably only once in his or her lifetime, yet the title past president one keeps forever,” he said.

The lovely flag bearers, Tida Kamolchote and Erika Heltne.

After receiving the presidential chain from DGE Vivat, President Max Rommel introduced his board members and said he sees his role as being a “a mentor and aide to all members and to assist with the projects of our club.

“We all know that Rotary is an organization with high ethical standards to help needy people all over the world and to build goodwill and peace. I myself will always adhere to the slogan that is important to me: ‘Fellowship is spirit of Rotary’.”

PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan (4th left) poses for a photograph with the VIPs of both clubs.PDG Premprecha Dibbayawan (4th left) poses for a photograph with the VIPs of both clubs.

Radchada Chomjinda Director HHN Foundation Thailand thanks presidents Hubert and Eric for their kind hospitality and generosity of Rotarians.Radchada Chomjinda Director HHN Foundation Thailand thanks presidents Hubert and Eric for their kind hospitality and generosity of Rotarians.

Children from the HHN & CDC thrilled the audience with their performances.Children from the HHN & CDC thrilled the audience with their performances.

Marcus Tristan and Ben Khinkhunthod the remarkable duo.Marcus Tristan and Ben Khinkhunthod the remarkable duo.

The Board of Directors of Rotary Clubs Eastern Seaboard, Phoenix Pattaya, Pattaya Marina and Jomtien-Pattaya gather for their respective group photographs.