US veterans commemorate Nov. 11


On Thursday, November 11th, 2011, Fred J. Estes Post 9876 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States of America held their annual Veteran’s Day commemorative.  The event was held in honor of the millions of veterans the world over who have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces.  Over 80 members and guests gathered at the Hogs Breath Saloon to thank those men and women that have sacrificed for us that we might enjoy the freedoms we have today.

The Post Chaplain offered a prayer for the well being and safety of all of our veterans that are currently in harm’s way and a prayer for their safe return to their homes and families.  A moment of silence was held to acknowledge the millions of veterans, men and women, who have given their lives so that those of us fortunate enough to live in free societies can enjoy the privileges of freedom that their sacrifice has given us.

US Embassy Warden Pattaya Bobby Brooks delivers remarks during Veterans Day ceremony: (L to R) Post 9876 Post Surgeon Siamrad Maher; Warden Bobby Brooks; Post Commander Eric Larsen; Post 9876 member Willie F. Worsham.US Embassy Warden Pattaya Bobby Brooks delivers remarks during Veterans Day ceremony: (L to R) Post 9876 Post Surgeon Siamrad Maher; Warden Bobby Brooks; Post Commander Eric Larsen; Post 9876 member Willie F. Worsham.

The Post Officers acknowledged the veterans in attendance and their branch of service.  A buffet luncheon was provided by Post 9876 and by the American Veteran’s Wives Club who generously donate their time and energy to the success of our events.

Young Marines busy during Veterans Appreciation Week

R. L. Hays, Unit Commander, Young Marines Pattaya Thailand

The Young Marines Unit here in Pattaya has had a very busy Veterans Appreciation Week, November 5-13. During the week, the Unit had inquired on any hospitalized American Veterans in order to conduct visits and present patients with small American Flags for their night stands. None were located, but a home visit of a veteran outpatient was scheduled for later in the week.

Young Marines’ Pvt. Bret Mays leads out Cake Detail at the 236th U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ball held in Pattaya at the Cafe Kronborg on 11 Nov. 2011. (L to R)  The Oldest Marine GySgt Billy Goodman born 2 April 1927, Young Marines’ Pvt Bret Mays born 1 April 2002 and the Youngest Marine was Sgt David Dziabo born 10 July 1981.Young Marines’ Pvt. Bret Mays leads out Cake Detail at the 236th U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ball held in Pattaya at the Cafe Kronborg on 11 Nov. 2011. (L to R)  The Oldest Marine GySgt Billy Goodman born 2 April 1927, Young Marines’ Pvt Bret Mays born 1 April 2002 and the Youngest Marine was Sgt David Dziabo born 10 July 1981.

On the evening of the 10th the Young Marines assisted in the set up for the 236th Marine Corps Birthday Ball, Young Marines’ Pvt. Bret Mays led out the Cake Cutting Detail and Leader Jim Coomes handled the audio for the ceremony.

On the 11th, the Unit conducted an American Flag ceremony at the grave of Jack DeMello and concluded it with the playing of Taps. Jack’s grave is located at the Saint Nicolas Church’s Cemetery and is the only grave of an American Veteran here in Pattaya. Afterwards the members of the Young Marines assisted in the Royal British Legions Remembrance Day ceremony by assisting in their Poppy Donation effort and directing foot traffic.

Post 9876 Chaplain Mike Warner delivers the Veterans Day prayer with Post Commander Eric Larsen.Post 9876 Chaplain Mike Warner delivers the Veterans Day prayer with Post Commander Eric Larsen.

Also on the 11th, the Young Marines attended VFW Post 9876’s Veterans Day Ceremony. During the ceremony, the Young Marines donated seven life jackets and five life vests to the Post’s Flood Relief Project. All of the donated items had working water proof flashlights attached to them. These items were collected by the Unit  for flood relief victims in Northwest Thailand.  The life jackets, vests and flashlights were donated to the Young Marines by Dave’s Divers Den of Pattaya.

Veterans Day at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post #9876 on 11 Nov. Young Marines donate life jackets and vests to the Post’s Flood Victims Relief Project. (L to R) Young Marines Leader Jim Coomes, Young Marine Bret Mays, VFW Post Commander Eric Larson and Young Marines Unit Commander Rad Mays.Veterans Day at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post #9876 on 11 Nov. Young Marines donate life jackets and vests to the Post’s Flood Victims Relief Project. (L to R) Young Marines Leader Jim Coomes, Young Marine Bret Mays, VFW Post Commander Eric Larson and Young Marines Unit Commander Rad Mays.

On the 8th, the Unit donated baby formula and bottles to Satit Udomseuksa Academy’s Flood Relief Project, for kids up to three years old.

If you know someone that would like to become a Young Marine, please contact Rad Mays at 083 115 8694 or email to [email protected]

Semper Fidelis

Members of American Veterans Wives Club Pattaya Thailand visiting for Veterans Day ceremony. (L to R) Rasikha Cherry, Morn Mack, Kanjana Clark, Tik Goodman, and Waupen Schweiterman.Members of American Veterans Wives Club Pattaya Thailand visiting for Veterans Day ceremony. (L to R) Rasikha Cherry, Morn Mack, Kanjana Clark, Tik Goodman, and Waupen Schweiterman.

Young Marine Group gives a salute during Veterans Day ceremony. Post 9876 member Rad Mays and his son Young Marine Private Brett Mays.Young Marine Group gives a salute during Veterans Day ceremony. Post 9876 member Rad Mays and his son Young Marine Private Brett Mays.

(L to R) Post 9876 Junior Vice Commander Pat Clark; Post 9951 Bangkok member Rick Reese; Post 9876 Commander 9876 Eric Larsen talking prior to start of Veterans Day ceremony.(L to R) Post 9876 Junior Vice Commander Pat Clark; Post 9951 Bangkok member Rick Reese; Post 9876 Commander 9876 Eric Larsen talking prior to start of Veterans Day ceremony.

Veterans Day 11 Nov 2011. Flag presentation and playing of Taps at American Veteran Jack DeMello’s grave at Saint Nicolas’ Cemetery. (L to R) Young Marines Leader Jim Coomes, Unit Commander Rad Mays and Young Marines’ Pvt Bret Mays.Veterans Day 11 Nov 2011. Flag presentation and playing of Taps at American Veteran Jack DeMello’s grave at Saint Nicolas’ Cemetery. (L to R) Young Marines Leader Jim Coomes, Unit Commander Rad Mays and Young Marines’ Pvt Bret Mays.