We Will Remember


“We Will Remember” are the words spoken by members of the Royal British Legion, Chonburi Thailand Branch whenever we meet. They form part of the “Act of Remembrance” which our Branch was honoured to organise once again at Don Rak War Graves in Kanchanaburi.

Archie Dunlop reads the Act of Remembrance.
Archie Dunlop reads the Act of Remembrance.

Ambassadors, dignitaries, local officials and members of the general public joined us for our Remembrance Day service on 11 November. There were also a number of students, as we feel it’s important to involve our next generation and invite schools every year. This year we had Regents Pattaya, Regents Bangkok, Garden International Rayong, and Harrow Bangkok join us.

Margaret Tongue, Deputy Head of Mission of the British Embassy, led the wreath laying, followed by the Governor of Kanchanaburi, along with Archie Dunlop – a WWII Veteran and our oldest member at 94; Graham Macdonald MBE representing the Royal British Legion, the Ambassadors of Canada, Australia, and the Deputy Ambassadors of New Zealand and Ireland.

Archie Dunlop BEM and Graham Macdonald MBE.
Archie Dunlop BEM and Graham Macdonald MBE.

After the main service we moved the short distance to Chungkai War Graves for a wreath laying service. Whilst Chungkai is certainly not neglected in Care by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission it does not have the visitors of Don Rak, so we make sure to visit whenever we can.

On Saturday we moved to Bangkok to attend the Remembrance Sunday service at the British Embassy where our Standard Bearer Richard Holmes was again leading the parade. It wasn’t all work though, we had a tour of the High Roads and Back Roads of Kanchanaburi by our Vice Chairman Bob Mann, a Curry Night and BBQ in the 1 More Bar and an invite to the British Embassy Social Club.

We remembered those who gave their all so that we can live as we do today. If you would like to help us continue to do that then please join us, contact our membership secretary Marty Neill for details at [email protected]  munity or visit http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/membership/become-a-member/

To arrange an event such as the Remembrance Service in Kanchanaburi takes significant funds. We ensure no charitable funds are used by inviting sponsors to help us, this year we would like to thank BCCT, British Embassy Bangkok, Macallan Insurance, Prime Foods, Singha, BAE Systems, Damon Trading, and of course Pattaya Mail for covering it.

The Defence Attaches of UK, America, Canada and Australia.
The Defence Attaches of UK, America, Canada and Australia.
Students from Regents Pattaya.
Students from Regents Pattaya.
Thai Official pay their respects.
Thai Official pay their respects.
Some of the many Pattaya Riders who attended.
Some of the many Pattaya Riders who attended.
Our members at Chungkai War Graves.
Our members at Chungkai War Graves.
Defence Attaches lay their wreaths.
Defence Attaches lay their wreaths.
The service at the British Embassy Bangkok.
The service at the British Embassy Bangkok.
Walking part of the railway.
Walking part of the railway.
Visiting the museum during the tour.
Visiting the museum during the tour.