Confirmed cases: 142,538
Deaths: 5,391
Countries, areas or territories with cases: 135
Last updated: 3/14/2020 10:00 CET
China :81021 cases
Italy :17660 cases
Iran (Islamic Republic of) :11364 cases
France :3640 cases
Germany :3062 cases
Netherlands :804 cases
Denmark :801 cases
Norway :750 cases
Japan :716 cases
International conveyance (Diamond Princess) :697 cases
Belgium :599 cases
Austria :504 cases
Bahrain :210 cases
Australia :197 cases
Malaysia :197 cases
Canada :176 cases
Czech Republic :150 cases
Finland :109 cases
Israel :100 cases
Kuwait :100 cases
Brazil :98 cases
Greece :98 cases
Egypt :93 cases
Iraq :93 cases
Ireland :90 cases
India :82 cases
Estonia :79 cases
Lebanon :77 cases
Indonesia :69 cases
Philippines :64 cases
Iceland :61 cases
Chile :43 cases
Luxembourg :38 cases
occupied Palestinian territory :35 cases
Argentina :34 cases
Albania :33 cases
Peru :28 cases
Croatia :27 cases
Panama :27 cases
Algeria :26 cases
Mexico :26 cases
Brunei Darussalam :25 cases
Georgia :25 cases
Costa Rica :23 cases
Ecuador :23 cases
Belarus :21 cases
Pakistan :21 cases
Hungary :19 cases
Oman :19 cases
Colombia :16 cases
Latvia :16 cases
Cyprus :14 cases
Malta :12 cases
Azerbaijan :11 cases
Bosnia and Herzegovina :11 cases
Maldives :9 cases
North Macedonia :9 cases
Armenia :8 cases
Afghanistan :7 cases
Bulgaria :7 cases
Cambodia :7 cases
Jamaica :7 cases
Morocco :7 cases
French Guiana :6 cases
Guyana :6 cases
Lithuania :6 cases
Martinique :6 cases
New Zealand :6 cases
Paraguay :6 cases
Dominican Republic :5 cases
Cuba :4 cases
Liechtenstein :4 cases
Bangladesh :3 cases
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) :3 cases
Faroe Islands :3 cases
Andorra :2 cases
Burkina Faso :2 cases
Cameroon :2 cases
Democratic Republic of the Congo :2 cases
Honduras :2 cases
Jersey :2 cases
Monaco :2 cases
Nigeria :2 cases
Antigua and Barbuda :1cases
Bhutan :1cases
Cayman Islands :1cases
Cote d Ivoire :1cases
French Polynesia :1cases
Gibraltar :1cases
Guadeloupe :1cases
Guernsey :1cases
Holy See :1cases
Jordan :1cases
Mongolia :1cases
Nepal :1cases
’Confirmed’ cases reported between 13 and19 February 2020 include both laboratory-confirmed and clinically diagnosed (only applicable to Hubei province); for all other dates, only laboratory- confirmed cases are shown.
The boundaries and names are shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
Data source: WHO, National Health Commission of the People’s
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