Pattaya International Hospital introduces laser therapy for chronic pain


Pattaya International Hospital has introduced low-power laser therapy that has shown to provide at least short-term benefit in treating chronic pain.

PIH Managing Director Dr. Sunya Viravaidya and Tien-Yow Chuang, chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Veteran’s General Hospital in Taiwan, from where the Tri-X helium-laser machine was acquired, unveiled the new therapy July 30.

Dr. Sunya Viravaidya, MD of Pattaya International Hospital, unveils the new Tri-X helium-laser machine for treating chronic pain.Dr. Sunya Viravaidya, MD of Pattaya International Hospital, unveils the new Tri-X helium-laser machine for treating chronic pain.

Unlike high-power lasers, which destroy tissue, low-level lasers can, its advocates claim, stimulate cells and nerves.

PIH’s treatment differs from the norm in that it isn’t applied to nerves or joints, but shot directly into the bloodstream during a course of 30 hour-long sessions. The laser radiation is then carried throughout the body, stimulating tissue in painful areas to promote healing.

Each session costs 4,000 baht, making an entire treatment course 120,000 baht.

Chuang said the Taiwanese hospital has found that the majority of patients have been satisfied with results, especially as it replaces the taking of pills and chemical medications.

For more information, contact Pattaya International Hospital at 038-428-374.