A few weeks ago I told you of a ‘rescue’


Dear Hillary,

A few weeks ago I told you of a ‘rescue’ that a group of us performed for what we considered was an exploitative situation.  You scolded us, as amateurish meddlers; at first we dismissed your comments, but after a while we came around and recognized your point of view and we have chosen to try to help her, as much as she would like, to restart her life.

The stolen car had a happy ending.  After two weeks the police had not been able to help.  On a whim, I went to the leader of the local motor bike taxi group that lurk outside her apartment, showing him pictures of the guy and the car and offering a reward for any help.  One of his boys had taken the guy to another apartment block a couple of times.  It took them just under an hour to find the car.

The Rescuers

Dear Rescuers,

Thank you for seeing my point of view in the unfortunate situation you described a few weeks ago of the Thai lady being taken advantage of by a farang boyfriend and her car misappropriated.  You have shown admirable nous and the local motorcycle taxi push is always a good place to start when you need information on anyone’s movements.  A few baht well spent at the street corner can certainly yield big dividends, Petal.