A wife’s duties


Dear Hillary,

Just how much should a husband put up with?  My Thai wife (though we’re not officially married but been together for six years) is starting to get quite lazy.  When I come home from the office, she will be watching TV or on the computer and will still be in her PJs, dirty dishes in the sink, floors not mopped, clothes not washed.  I’m having to take my shirts to the laundry close to work myself.  The relationship is starting to be a little one-sided if you ask me.  What’s the next step?


Dear Paul,

Have you sat down with your wife and discussed this?  After being together for six years you must have a reasonable good system of communication by now.  Mind you, the duties that are left undone are really those of a maid – is this what you expect of a wife – home duties and humping later?  You must be bringing in a good salary; get a maid and then encourage your wife to do something creative to fill in her time between dinners.  One last point, Petal.  Is your wife drinking during the day?  Alcohol problems can sometimes show up like this.