Advice from the Happy Camper


Dear Hillary,

Year after year, I see and hear many lonely, ignorant, old, fools complaining about Pattaya’s bar girls and freelancers.  But can you really blame them?  What do they expect?  Thai girls, well as all girls in the world want to be with someone their own age and not someone who can be their grandfather’s age.

Thailand and especially Pattaya attracts some of the worst quality tourists and expatriates is the world.  We have alcoholics, druggies, perverts, pedophiles, psychos, delinquents, criminals, crooks, losers and loners.  I know we do have some good “dirty-old-men” here who treat these girls and women nicely and get along fine.

So stop whining.  We have a good thing going here and enjoy Thailand while it’s still affordable.

Happy Camper

Dear Happy Camper,

Oooh, I must meet your friends!  Are all of them alcoholics, druggies, perverts, pedophiles, psychos, delinquents, criminals, crooks, losers and loners?  No wonder you have such an attitude.  I would too, surrounded by all that lot!  However, getting back to your letter, I wonder if it should have been quite as bitter as it seems to be?  In actual fact, the old adage is very pertinent here, “You get what you pay for!”  So if your motley lot of alcoholics and all the others are happy to pay for the pleasures, knowing there is no permanence being offered, then let them continue, and ignore their complaints.  By the way, not all the farangs in Pattaya are “alcoholics, druggies, perverts, pedophiles, psychos, delinquents, criminals, crooks, losers and loners”.  I met a very nice chap the other evening.  I just can’t remember his name!