Bank book on the first date


Dear Hillary,

Several times I’ve seen readers contact you asking advice on how to find a ‘real’ Thai girl – not a bar-girl – but a girl with a job and a career. My question is: if these men are too ugly, poor, stupid, uneducated or boring to find such a girl in their own countries, why do they think a Thai girl with a job and career would be interested in them?


Dear David,

You are being a bit hard on the lovelorn I feel. You are forgetting it takes two to tango. Have you ever stopped to consider that with the girls in his home country, it might be very difficult to form a relationship with them? Never mind the too ugly, poor, stupid, uneducated or boring. There are some Thai sisters of mine that could fit that description as well. You are, however, correct when you ask why would a Thai girl with a job and career be interested in them? Those ‘real’ Thai girls are looking for a husband from a well-connected family, not a farang who wants to be kept in the manner to which he would like to become accustomed.