Bashful Bob’s first date


Dear Hillary,

‘Bashful Bob’ was wondering how to ask an educated Thai woman on a date.  ‘Bashful Bob’ obviously works for a living and is a newbie which is just grand for him.  Most likely he is even within ten years of her age which could make for an honest life together including perhaps family without dad being pushed around in a wheelchair himself someday.  He has found a woman of education who works for a living, speaks English, and is courteous to him.  To poor Bob I would say, I envy you, as you have found a beautiful bashful flower.  Proceed slowly, be prepared to put your best foot forward with the young lady’s family and ask if you may come to her home sometime to meet her mother and father.  Only then will you know if your suspicions that she is free are actual and she is really available.  As you have pointed out, in Thai culture family is everything.  If you are not a good fit with them your relationship will be complicated.



Dear Rob,

There are a few items you have forgotten in your very wise advice.  You forgot to tell him to enquire about the family buffalo and how her brother is after the motorcycle accident.  Also to ask if the family dines at the table or off the floor.  If she does have a table and doesn’t have a buffalo or a brother, you will have discovered a real gem.  In finishing, I have no buffalo or brother.  Chocolates should be sent to the Pattaya Mail office clearly marked “For Hillary”.