On behalf of bar girls


Dear Hillary and the previous letter writer (regarding Bar Girls),

Do not people go on holidays just to enjoy certain foods/beverages not available to them at home, others to view sights also not available to them at home and yet others, sports activities and, me plus millions of others, for sexual sights/sounds/activities. Everything, EVERYTHING, in the world is about money or sex or a combination plus some alcohol/gambling which are all victimless crimes (made crimes primarily by those who profit from crime), entered into voluntarily & involving their OWN bodies so why should anyone be in a position to criticize them? I, and the aforementioned offenders don’t criticize prudes for being prudish! Personally I could never understand why anyone male/female would want to be with just 1 other person for, say, 50 years! Nor would I relish a sexual encounter or even viewing an unclothed 80 year old woman. It is estimated that 60 percent of all Internet surfing is to porn sites, (billions of hits daily) so more people enjoy what some, you two, disdain.  To be explained, the “Evening Blossoms” on behalf of all 80 year olds at bars and otherwise, spread happiness, often temporary but wholesome none the less, to many, some women profiting handsomely but most, just getting by. Interesting that both commenters appear to have vast knowledge of this subject when, both find our behavior appalling!


Dear Don,

I love getting letters from someone who takes the opposite tack to everyone else. But first, a little bit to be explained by you, however. Have you been peering through my bedroom windows? Snide remarks about unclothed 80 year old women. Desist! Or I will have to get the 80 year Army to descend upon your 7-ELEVEn and we will all do a strip to music of course, (probably Anne Ziegler and Webster Booth) and force you to look upon our well worn 80 year bodies, complete with postman’s mail bags. Anyway, yours isn’t all that well preserved either. The girl from Soi Half Dozen told me about it (sorry, you!) I believe the worry is not about Evening Blossoms, but more about the Morning Glory (or lack of it).