Buddhism in two weeks?


Dear Hillary,

You may find this a strange request, but I am an American interested in Buddhism and wondered if it would be possible that on my next holiday here I could join a monastery.  I would only have two weeks but imagine that in that time I could at least get the basics of Buddhism.  Is this possible?  I don’t mind where in Thailand that I would go as I am interested in the study, not the geography or tourism side.  I have always been impressed watching the orange robes going along the streets with their begging bowls in the mornings.



Dear Warren,

There is no such thing as “strange requests” in Hillary’s letter box!  If you want to understand the basics of Buddhism, you have to start long before you get on the plane to come to Thailand.  To begin with, have you looked to see if there is a Buddhist temple in your region in the US?  Discussions with the monks there will assist you in your quest.  Monks in America can generally all speak English, while in the temples here, they naturally speak Thai.

I would recommend that you get the following books before going much further, “Buddhism Explained” (ISBN 974-7047-28-4) by Khantipalo Bhikkhu, “Phra Farang, An English Monk in Thailand”, by Phra Peter Pannapadipo (ISBN 974-202-019-1) and “The Good Life.  A guide to Buddhism for the Westerner” by Gerald Roscoe (ISBN 974-8206-56-4).  Read these before ordering the saffron robes, Petal.