Candy Crush or Candy Store?


Dear Hillary,

I am 80 and occasionally, I visit the famed “Candy Store” where, also occasionally, I make a selection and for less than the cost of your, also famed chocolates, have an evening which I could not even dream of in my home country. The “Evening, sometimes Afternoon, Blossoms are candy for the eyes as well as therapeutically relaxing.”

Hmn! My sweet tooth is speaking out right now!



Dear Don of the sweet tooth,

Have you been trying to bargain chuckles with my chocolates? Are you the reason there’s been none recently? I check downstairs where the deliveries come in, and no bubbles and no chockies. Oh well, another miserable Xmas coming up. But let’s be honest here, there’s no reason in the world that you should give up the sweet delights, just because you are 80 (if I am to believe you, Petal). But as our Dr. Iain said the other week at the PCEC meeting, “Don’t be afraid of old age. It doesn’t last long!”