Chaperones again


Dear Hillary,

I see that you had someone write in complaining that they had to take a chaperone with them when going to dinner with a young girl he was interested in.  Why complain?  This is the sort of girl we all want to meet, not the money grubbers from the beer bar.  This turkey doesn’t know just how lucky he is.  Tell him to send me the details and I’ll happily go in his place.  There’s a lot of guys like me who have been ripped off over the years, and to find someone who is living a sheltered life is almost too good to be true here.  Stop complaining Dude!


Dear Jealous,

You read the letter, but did you also read my reply?  I said, “You are considerably older than her and have spent the past two years in the bar scene, by your own letter.  If you want to progress with this relationship, you must not just agree for a chaperone to be present, but you should suggest it, when you do ask her out to that dinner or a show.”  I was trying to get him to see just how fortunate he really was, but I think two years of “Hello sexy man.  Come in please.  Sit down please.  You want beer?  Another beer?  By me drink.  I wan go wit you.  Pay bar for me?” was all too much.  He is a lost cause, I feel.