Chasing a dream?


Dear Hillary,

I don’t believe the bar girls are anymore “out for what they can get” than the fellows pursuing them.  They have a job, often entertaining foreign undesirables, do it well and deserve what they earn.  The percentage of “baddies” is quite low!


Dear Jonny,

I agree with you, Petal.  As I have written in this column for many years, the ladies from the bars are doing a job, bringing in millions of tourist dollars, and as you point out, “entertaining foreign undesirables.”  However, let us not forget that their “occupation” is still against the law.  Not a well-policed law, but it is there in the statutes, nevertheless.  I do receive reports of successful marriages between bar girls and foreigners, but I also get a greater number of sad letters from disillusioned men.

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