Don’t get your haircut at the bar beer!


Dear Hillary,

I have had a jokey type relationship with my hairdresser for about six months.  Last week she made it clear (I thought) that she would be interested in a little after hours fun, and we ended up with some slap and tickle in the back of the salon, nothing too deep, just what you’d call petting.  I dropped by today with the idea of floating the idea of her closing the shop for an hour or two one afternoon, but she was not even in for a bit of a cuddle, so I did not pursue the idea.  What gives with these Thai women, Hillary?  I’ve had this before with lots of sexy suggestions, but then backing out at the last minute.  Is this the way their culture demands or what?  And should I keep trying with this dame?


Dear Johnson,

My Petal, you have mistaken harmless fun with the real thing.  Your hairdresser is just trying to keep you as a customer.  A little snog every so often does not mean that she is ready for a roll between the covers at the local Lonely Hearts Hotel, room by the hour.  Don’t get so serious with these ladies, they are just having some fun with you, but that’s all.  If you are only looking for short term rumpy pumpy company then a bar beer, rather than a barber, is where you go.  Understand now?