Enroll for the ATM classes


Dear Hillary,

Do all the Thai women go to some course at school to learn how to open a man’s wallet, and then clean out the ATM machine? It seems they use the same MO each time. Don’t ask for money at first, but later ask if they can have a loan till they get salary, because they are behind in rent for their room. After another couple of weeks, it is, “Sorry but I will have to go to Bangkok to live, as I can’t make enough money here.” That leaves the man in the situation where he has to cough up more money, or the romance is over. Once he falls for that, it is the downhill financial slide to bankruptcy. He’s hooked and ready for the ATM to be raided. The trap is now to establish a little business for her, so she contributes to the joint (by this stage) bank account. Then comes the request for someone to run the little shop, or otherwise she is tied to it and can’t go out with him any more. Once more he has to agree or it’s all over. It is always the same, Hillary. I have asked around my social group and they’ve all been trapped. Is it taught to them, or is it something in their make-up?

Generous George


Dear Generous George,

You’ve given away all our secrets, haven’t you! But I detect a note of hurt in your letter. Have you been fleeced, my Petal? If you have, I hope you have forgiven her, but have learned from the situation, and your ATM is healthy again. Don’t be so hasty. Take your time over relationships and remember that ‘trust’ is the important ingredient.