Fashionista Hillary


Dear Hillary,

You must know much about ladies fashion. My question is: “Is there an underground fashion network or something?” A couple of years ago, every woman was wearing leopard shorts. Now every woman is in black tights (or leggings I believe) no matter what she looks like. So tight you can count the freckles on her bum. What’s next?


Dear Greg,

What an observant little fellow you are. Freckles yet! Definitely not PC; however, there were a couple of fashion trends you appear to have missed, my Petal. The tops with cut outs on the shoulders and then the lace over-wear (as opposed to lace underwear). Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no fashion mafia out there directing the market. As soon as one style becomes fashionable, the clothes wholesalers saturate the market with the current (at the time) style, so all the clothes shops all have the same fashions to sell. And before you ask, I have been wearing the same black long dress for some years. Not the same one, but same style.