Gambling spouses again


Dear Hillary,

My wife has started cheating on the grocery bills and I am sure she has started to sneak the odd thousand baht from my billfold when I am asleep. I also note that she seems to have less jewelry than before, and when I have asked her where her necklace is she gets very defensive and says she is having it cleaned. I am sure she is not having an affair, as she is always home at nights with me, so what can I do to check? Where is the money going? Do you think it might be gambling?

Hole in the wallet


Dear Hole in the wallet,

Thai women can be very inventive when discussing money that goes missing. Loan to friends, money to Mama up-country, instalment on new furniture and right the way through to vet bills for the ailing family buffalo. However, by far the root cause of “missing” money is gambling. What does your wife do all day? That might give you some planning. Best of luck.