German Fraus or Thai bar girl?


Dear Hillary,

In response to Gunther, the German chap with money missing, you are right Hillary.  Spot on, “save your money.”  This German fellow did not meet his lady at a language school now did he?  Yes, things can and do get lost in the post, but basic teaching is to fold a sheet of paper around the currency.  In the west we even do it with a check.  Just coming from offshore the envelope is going to arouse suspicion.

“I called to my girl at the bar and she said there was no letter from me.”  Was that the only one in the series that had money in it?  Was it mailed TO THE BAR?

I am hoping that he has sent her bits of money before and this was a one time thing.  Obviously he has a kind heart but does he have good sense?  But even so he has to “call a bar” to reach her?  A BAR?  Gunther, choose where you want to be, the Fraus in Germany await you too.  Are you number five or number ten on the “sending her money” parade?  Please do a total of the money spent versus the “certainty received” and ask your dad, your uncle, or any older guy you will respect what your chances are “fishing on the Danube” with this one.

I am personally acquainted with the next door neighbor of a friend of mine who has three men keeping her.  The only thing the woman has to fear is that the three of them will come in the same week.



Dear Robert

Thank you for backing me up, but I wouldn’t be too hard on our German friend.  So he has a relationship with a girl from the bar, it would be hard for him to have any other GF in Thailand other than one of the lovely ladies of the night, who are skilled at making sure the Gunthers of this world come back for second helpings.  And third and fourths…  However, having said all that, he should find a way of transferring money that is more secure.  If he is worried, I have the ideal answer.  He transfers the money to me, and I will go round all of the bars and find which one his vision of loveliness works in.  I will make sure I spend it in the right bar.