Hillary’s concierge duties


Dear Hillary,

I know this isn’t strictly your area, but my wife and I are coming to Pattaya before Xmas and wondered if you could recommend a hotel for us for the three weeks (we go back to London before the Xmas Day holiday). We don’t want to spend too much money – about 3,000 baht a night will be ok, but want the place to be secure and on public transport and close to the beach. Any hints?

George and Mildred


Dear George and Mildred,

Straight from shooting another of the TV series, are we Petals? Look, there are plenty of hotels that would fit your requirements, but as you said, I’m not the one to suggest hotels for you. What I suggest is contact a travel agent here and work through them. I’m sure they advertise in the paper, and I do know Massic Travel is very helpful. (I do use them myself when I’m going anywhere and you can contact them at [email protected].)

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