Home isn’t home sweet home any more


Dear Hillary,

I bought a house for my Thai lady and I, at her suggestion, because she said a condominium apartment would be too small for us (there’s only two of us mind).  Well, to buy the house it had to be in her name, but I was OK with that, as we’d been together for almost a year.  Now that we’ve got the place, she has totally changed.  It’s not a house for she and I, but now a house with all her relatives there on rotation.  They all seem to get two week holidays all year round as there’s always somebody in the second and third bedrooms.  I am not getting any fun out of this, and there’s no way I could call this arrangement “my” home.  Any suggestions?


Dear Thomas,

Talk about rushing in where angels fear to tread!  However, she is correct that a condominium would be too small, because she was aware she had to fit the relatives in as well.  You knew this lady “for almost a year” and you decided that was long enough to invest your money in a house in someone else’s name.  Is that what you would call “due diligence”?  That’s really not good business practice, Petal.  You can try having it out with your lady friend, but reading between the lines, I don’t think you’ll get far.  You are between a rock and a hard place, and you have only got two choices – like it or lump it, I’m afraid.

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