I am an American expat currently based in Japan


Dear Hillary,

I am an American expat currently based in Japan and let me tell you that the bars here are really expensive, and the girls even more so!  Even more than in Vegas.  I have now been toying with the idea that I should throw my job in here, even though it is well paid, and move to Thailand and I think Pattaya, as I enjoyed a short furlough there a couple of years ago.  What I want to do is open a go-go bar, with some of the ideas I have seen in Japan.  I need to know how do you go about hiring staff for a bar over there?  Is there an agency that handles this, as I want only top girls, as this will be a top establishment.

Japan a-go-go

Dear Japan a-go-go,

I think the first step would be to write to the Immigration Police in Pattaya and let them know of your intending business venture, and they will help you with the currency exchange and paperwork and put you in touch with the right person in the Labor Department in Chonburi.  After that, you should hire a reputable Private Investigator to find the best looking ladies that are left in Pattaya, as most of them are already in Japan working as a waitress, or similar position, and may not wish to return to the chrome pole paradise of Pattaya.  It would be such a shame to spend all that money on air fares, just for nothing.  What are you going to call your go-go bar, Petal?  Nippon or Nip Off a-go-go?  Pattaya is waiting with bated breath.  If there’s one business that Pattaya is really short of, it’s a go-go bar!  Rotsa ruck!