Instruction manuals


Dear Hillary,

I read with interest an article in headed “Good Old Days”. It contained an extract from a home economics textbook printed in the 60’s “The Good Wife Guide”. I was hoping that you could have the text translated into Thai and reprinting it in a future Pattaya Mail. My motives are entirely honorable. I merely intend to have the Thai transcript of the guide enlarged into poster size and hung up on my wall so that my Thai wife can read it every time she forgets the reason she was put on this planet. Thanks Hillary. An instruction manual for the after dinner entertainment might be useful as well. There’s more to it than a muffled moan during congress.

PS. I think the Thai poster version would sell like hot cakes!

Honorable Neil

Dear Honorable Neil,

A real MCP (left over from the 70’s) otherwise known as a Male Chauvinist Pig! Neil, my precious Petal, you don’t honestly think Hillary is going to support this cause, do you? I will ignore the reference to “my boss” as Hillary is a self-determining lady of uncertain years, and as such, doesn’t have a “boss”. But really, do you expect your Thai wife to spend the finale for the day planning your evening needs? Come on, Neil. However, if your wife is not giving a “small moan … to indicate enjoyment” during the act of “congress” then perhaps it’s your technique that is lacking. Perhaps an instruction book in English, rather than your poster in Thai might be a better plan.