Is Hillary PC?


Dear Hillary,

I notice in newspaper articles, police reports, travel publications and TV documentaries that any bar, tavern, lounge or nightclub, no matter the wampum invested, which features dancing girls for the pleasure of straight males is described as “seedy” (letter from Andrew), whereas any such establishment targeted at gay patrons is described as “festive”.  I can’t imagine you going along with this political correctness on purpose.  Must be an oversight.  Yes? Ken

Dear Ken,

I am not PC, which I consider to be downright nonsense if not completely silly.  For example, a manhole cover is a personhole cover!  However, I do not put these adjectives into an incoming letter/email – that was done by the writers themselves.  I would agree with Andrew that “seedy” is the best description of many of the go-go bars around town, but you could also apply that to many of the karaoke places as well.  But I would question the “festive” label, I must say.  “Festive” refers to Xmas for me, not for “gay” relationships, using today’s accepted term for same sex situations.  So you can relax Ken, Ms Hillary is not PC.  So now, where’s the champers and chocolates?  By the way, if you want a very non-PC laugh, go to Billy Connolly’s rant on