Is this the real thing?


Dear Hillary,

I know what you are going to say, but hear me out. I have met the girl of my dreams, not anyone else’s dreams, but she is just so right for me. I have never had a girl who just does so much for me, from putting on my socks in the morning, to rubbing my back at bed time. She asks beforehand about spending money on everything from groceries to clothes and finds the most incredible bargains that I could never get. She does have one 3 year old son that her mother looks after in Isaan, her father is dead, so her mother likes having the little boy around. We have been living together for three months and there’s never been a cross word. She gave up bar work when she moved in with me, and she had only just started work there when we met. I am thinking of marrying her to give her a stabilizing influence. I am 42 years older than she is, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem for her. Do you think formalizing marriage is a good idea? My friends all say No, but they don’t know her. What is your advice Hillary?


Dear Mark,

I don’t know you or her, so I can only speak from what I know of the boy and girl scene in Pattaya. The majority of bar girl marriages to European husbands don’t last, unless you are prepared to live the way she does, eating on the floor etc. Three months is way too short. Contact me in another 12 months.