Jerry’s “dicktionary”


A note to you Hillary:

In Thailand, just like other countries, words translated to English from Thai or another outstanding example – Arabic, are mostly phonetic.  Don’t you read the signs in this city?  Every other one has a spelling error but gets the point across.  I don’t see ‘katoyey’ in the dicktionary.  You must be a little dense not to KNOW that ‘pubic’ was on purpose.  I will mail you photos of the large banner advert across S. Pattaya Rd where Pattaya was spelled ‘Pattata’ by the Rotary Club, Central Pattaya and TAT.  The sign also said that the bed race event was “organdied” by the Rotary Club.

Singha Jerry

Dear Singha Jerry,

Where would I be without you to assist both myself and the City Fathers with your own particular brand of spelling.  Actually, I don’t think you should change one little bit – you fit perfectly.  You must have drunk so much Singha that you are eligible for a Thai visa, and you’ve definitely got the spelling to go with it!  See you on Pattata Beech some afternoon.  I’ll recognize you by the bottle.