Keeping the bed warm


Dear Hillary,

Hasn’t it been cold recently.  Thought I was back in TX for a while there.  Anyway I’ve got myself a great little bed warmer, but here’s the problem – I am going back Stateside in February next year, and much as I’d like to have her along, I know that bed warmer wouldn’t get a visa from the folks at Uncle Sam’s place here in Bangkok.  I will be back later in the year, probably around July/August, so what should I do with bed warmer in between times?  I have my own condo here, all paid for and the like, but should I let her stay there?  I hear all these dreadful stories about the girl renting out the apartment and keeping the money, or having parties every night with her Isaan friends and stinking the place out with the herbs they all eat.  Or should I just call it quits and lock the place up?


Dear Harvey,

You are obviously not totally committed to your bed warmer, and since the weather will be warmer in February, the need for such close company will not be so strong either.  So to answer your questions – since the relationship is not a deep one, you will be better off closing the condo (and changing the lock, Petal), and it will all be there when you come back.  But please let bed warmer know that she has been replaced by an electric blanket!