Look for the oldies


Dear Hillary,
There appears to be a misconception that anybody marrying a Thai is doomed to have a cheater. Doesn’t matter how many years they have been married, it will fail. Some of your writers put it down to the age difference – the old farang and the young Thai girl. But what nobody seems to see is the older farang and the older Thai woman.


With young Thai females, they are looking for financial stability, but the older Thai woman is looking for companionship. In the young and old situation, after the Thai girl sees her security covered (the house for example), she doesn’t need the old man anymore, so she goes out by herself to have a good time. The older Thai woman is already secure and enjoys the man’s company so they go out together, and doesn’t need to cheat.
I am American and have been blessed with a wonderful 59 year old Thai lady (we started going out 10 years ago) wife. We do everything together and is just the best companion an older man could wish for. So I say to all these old men who complain about being ripped off, they should be looking for the older ladies, not the young beautiful ones.

Dear Elmer,
Very wise advice, but always difficult to get the older farang to ignore the persistent attention of a girl 30 years younger than themselves. Known as ‘trophy wives’, these are the ones that go cheating once they have what they want. I am glad you wrote in. It is good to get the other side of the story from time to time.