Office headache


Dear Hillary,

They are doing alterations in my office building, and there is a little man coming in every day with a jack-hammer into the office next door to mine and it sounds as if he is drilling his way through to Indonesia.  It is going on forever and it is giving me a giant headache.  What can I do about this?  Who should I complain to?  Is this normal in this country?  Will the city council do anything about it?


Dear Headache,

No it is not normal.  Most people when going to Indonesia just catch a plane.  Honestly, though, just talk to whomever ordered the work.  Can the alterations be done at night?  Can you take a week off work?  In the meantime, wear ear muffs and smile a lot.  Get a perverse pleasure out of making them think you like it.  And no, City Hall have enough problems without your noisy one.