Old men behaving badly!


Dear Hillary,

Every week I see all these old men with young girls in Walking Street.  Some are tourists I know, but others live here.  Bold as brass, down the street they come, arm in arm or arms around her or holding hands with girls that must only be one quarter of their age.  From the leers on their faces you know what they are thinking.  Surely they must know they are a joke?  These girls are after one thing only and these old codgers are too stupid to see it.  The men certainly don’t have any sex appeal left.  Don’t you think something should be done about it, or you could at least tell the old duffers to stop making fools of themselves?  Just print something to make them stop and look at themselves.


Dear Ginger,

You are all spiced up, aren’t you, Petal.  The problem here is just who is “making fools of themselves”?  The old dears I see on the streets seem to be enjoying themselves no end.  Well, most of them seem to have smiles from ear to ear.  Is there a law against enjoyment in this resort city that was passed by the city fathers and I missed it?  I do not believe that the “old codgers” as you call them, think that they have managed to find their dream girl out the front of Girlies a Go-go.  What they have found is someone who is prepared to look after them on their holiday, don’t complain and make no judgments of their behavior.  So what if the girls are “after one thing only” – if the visiting tourist is happy to look after his side of the bargain and the locals are happy to supply what the visitor wants, then why are we (sorry, you) pointing the finger of scorn?  Lighten up, Ginger.  Live and let live needs to be your motto.  Or did this letter stem from just a teensy-weensy bit of jealousy?  However, I have done as you asked and printed something.  Hope you’re happy now!