Overcoming shyness


Dear Hillary,

Any Thai girl I have had relations with has always said that they are “shy” and even wear a towel after the shower and then put the bra on over the towel and pull the towel out from under the bra. This is after swinging from the shandeleers (sic) all night. You seem to have all the answers, Hillary. What’s the reason?


Dear Greg,

The first thing, Lothario, is you should learn to spell. If you can’t spell the word, then don’t use it. It is chandelier, not “shandeleer”. Your word processor will indicate that you have the wrong spelling by putting a wiggly line under the word. And as to why your girlfriends don’t want to “show” is because they have already decided that you’ve had your money’s worth. You sound like a Cheap Charlie to me.