Pass the lobster


Dear Hillary,

I wanted to take out this girl from my office. I suggested dinner at a very good restaurant and when I asked where should I pick her up, she said that she would meet me there at the restaurant. When she turned up (late) she had another girl with her and we ended up eating as a threesome, with me paying of course. They chatted to each other all the way through the meal and all but ignored me. They both ordered the most expensive dishes on the menu and couldn’t eat all their food and insisted on being given doggy bags to take home. I was going to run them home, but they said that they were going clubbing and said good night. What is the score here, Hillary? Am I being taken for a mug, or what?

Vic the Visa card


Dear Vic the Visa card,

I am afraid that the girl from the office, on whom you had designs, does not regard the association with you as deep as your hopes for a liaison with her. Look at the big picture, Petal. Even though it is common for Thai girls to bring a chaperone in the early stages of a relationship, the disregard for you and the expensive orders and going clubbing and not inviting you does not look like someone trying to impress you, does it? Put it down to experience, Vic and probably try to evaluate any relationship a little further before jumping in with invitations to expensive restaurants.