Read my lips


Dear Hillary,

People are telling me that the way you can tell if a bar girl is lying is if her lips are moving.  Tell me it isn’t like that.  I come over to Thailand three times a year, and as I am only there for a couple of weeks at a time, there can be no long-term relationship, and I have always found that the bar girls are great companions, and none of them has ever given me a problem or ripped me off or anything like that.  To my mind they are very honest.  How did they get such a bad rep?

Aussie Gordon

Dear Aussie Gordon,

I believe that 90 percent of the bar girls do a good job, honestly and cheerfully.  But many foreigners want to forget that the girls are actually doing a job, as well as performing a service (like the pun)?  They will tell you what you want to hear, “I lub you too mut, darleeng,” and believe that if you like.  I don’t consider that is “lying”, no more than the washing machine salesman who tells you that Brand X washes whiter than the others.  His lips are moving too.  Really, the bar girl scene is performing a service for unattached males on holiday.  The problems only arise when the unattached male places too much on the standard phrases of the trade, and then when let down, bad mouths the entire scene.  Continue with your holiday romances, Petal, just be careful, guard your credit card information, watch your spending and don’t buy her any Sydney Harbor Bridges after fourteen beers!

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