Short back and sides


Dear Hillary,

I’ve met up with a nice girl, well she’s 37, so not really a girl. She’s gone up country for a few weeks and we have been in touch by message. She tells me that she misses me and is looking forward to getting back to Pattaya, and I miss her too, but I wonder about whether she means it. I did meet her in a bar, but she said she was service, not for bar fine, if you know what I mean. She is up country doing a course in hairdressing so it’s not a Thai husband thing, and she sends me photos of her in the salon. What do you think, Hillary? Should I keep going here, or run for cover because of her past? (I bar-fined her to start our relationship.)



Dear Stuart,

Your lady is no youngster. Answer this: so why is she working in a bar? I would be very careful if I were you my Petal. Don’t fall in love, though it sounds as if you have already! If she were actually working in a salon it would be a better indication of what she wants in life. Just make sure you are not paying for the course and an apprenticeship down here.