Situation vacant – must live in!


Dear Hillary,

It is almost 2017 and after a year I am still without a lady. My mates keep on saying, “You got a missus yet?” and since they all have got one (from the bar) I’m starting to think there is something wrong with me. Plenty of ladies from the local bars have said they want to come and live with me, but I don’t really want a bar girl and all the hassles I read about in your column each week. I know you don’t know me or my situation, but you must have heard this sort of problem before. What do I do in 2017 that I wasn’t doing in 2016?



Dear Archie,

What you have to do is to stop actively looking for a friend/companion/wife and just let Miss Right find you. Once you stop wondering whether the next lady you meet is THE one, the best one will appear. I wouldn’t compare your situation with those of your friends. Their partners are what we call “mia chows” which translates to “rented wives”. If you want to have a good looking lady, to whom you pay a salary every month, then go ahead. But I think you want something different from that. Just continue to be the nice honest guy and before the end of 2017 you will have someone to cuddle up to watching DVD’s.