Spelling 101


Dear Hillary,

Are ther (sic) reelly (sic) that many suckers in Pattaya that fall for the sheilas in the local pubs? You hear about them buying them cars and houses and all. They say thers (sic) one born every minute. Reelly (sic)?


Dear Robert,

Yes! Reelly! (sic) But Robert, my Petal, have you stopped to think why this happens? If where they are is so good, why would they want to go to SE Asia and get involved again? Would they buy a bartendee a house and a car in their (note the spelling, Petal) home country? So why do they do it here? Maybe it is Thai herbs in the food, or even Thai beer that does the trick.

Getting serious again, These young (and not so young) chaps are swept off their feet by gorgeous young things who make them feel like kings, and the next thing they are up country to meet the “in-laws” and buying beer for the village. It has been this way for years, Robert, and nothing I say can change it. You’ve heard of lemmings? All running off the cliff following one another. It’s the same way in the Pattaya bars. Now, I must take you to task. Where were you when the class was doing spelling lessons? Chasing roo’s? (I presume you are Australian.) Spend some time with a primary 2 spelling book before you write another letter. That’s a good chap.